stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b907
[questionTitle] => how much are you looking to sell the house for?
[options] => Array
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => CURRENCY
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247576
[characterLimit] => 150
[currencyFormat] => en-US
[placeholder] => Expected selling price
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b908
[questionTitle] => what's the minimum you will accept if we offered you an all-cash, no contingency offer and closed in under 10 days?
[options] => Array
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => CURRENCY
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247576
[characterLimit] => 150
[currencyFormat] => en-US
[placeholder] => All cash selling price
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 61684578a74338495f3f8876
[questionTitle] => Will we need to finish the basement to get to this ARV?
[options] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[key] => Yes
[value] => Yes
[defaultSelected] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[key] => No
[value] => No
[defaultSelected] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => RADIO_BUTTON
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247576
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 6168460fa74338b60c3f97ae
[questionTitle] => Do we need drain tiles for this property?
[options] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[key] => Yes
[value] => Yes
[defaultSelected] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[key] => No
[value] => No
[defaultSelected] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => RADIO_BUTTON
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247576
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b90d
[questionTitle] => Why are you looking to sell the house?
[options] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => TEXT
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247577
[characterLimit] =>
[placeholder] => Reason for selling
[currencyFormat] =>
[dateFormat] =>
[numberFormat] =>
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b90b
[questionTitle] => How soon are you looking to sell?
[options] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => TEXT
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247577
[characterLimit] =>
[placeholder] => How soon are you looking to sell?
[currencyFormat] =>
[dateFormat] =>
[numberFormat] =>
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b90c
[questionTitle] => Is house vacant or occupied?
[options] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[key] => Vacant
[value] => Vacant
[defaultSelected] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[key] => Occupied
[value] => Occupied
[defaultSelected] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => RADIO_BUTTON
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247577
[characterLimit] =>
[currencyFormat] =>
[dateFormat] =>
[numberFormat] =>
[placeholder] =>
[answer] =>
stdClass Object
[_id] => 60bb1b364d6fee023424b90a
[questionTitle] => how much is the mortgage on the house?
[options] =>
[isDeleted] =>
[questionType] => TEXT
[mainGroupId] => 60bb1b2c4d6fee0234247577
[characterLimit] =>
[currencyFormat] =>
[placeholder] => Mortgage amount
[dateFormat] =>
[numberFormat] =>
[answer] =>